Subcategories of Operational Procedures Setup training session

In this catalogue we are covering general requirements, OPS regulations, long range flights, grid navigation, special operational procedures and hazards and transport of dangerous goods. A significant part is related to windshear, fire, pressurisation failure and icing.

General Requirements

The topic General Requirements as part of the subject Operational Procedures contains 36 questions. It is part of the EASA ATPL Package (former JAA) package.

OPS Regulation: EU-OPS

The topic OPS Regulation: EU-OPS as part of the subject Operational Procedures contains 143 questions. It is part of the EASA ATPL Package (former JAA) package.

Long Range Flights

The topic Long Range Flights as part of the subject Operational Procedures contains 62 questions. It is part of the EASA ATPL Package (former JAA) package.

Special Operational Procedures and Hazards

The topic Special Operational Procedures and Hazards as part of the subject Operational Procedures contains 137 questions. It is part of the EASA ATPL Package (former JAA) package.

Transport of Dangerous Goods

The topic Transport of Dangerous Goods as part of the subject Operational Procedures contains 17 questions. It is part of the EASA ATPL Package (former JAA) package.

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EASA ATPL Package (former JAA)

This package provides you with an up-to-date questionbank of more than 8.000 ATPL questions according to EASA (former JAA).

final price
USD 21,99
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  • 1174 Questions
  • 18 Categories