Subcategories of Principles of Flight Setup training session

This catalogue provides you with questions from practical aspects of low and high speed flight, flight controls, lift augmentation, aeroplane stability and design, and the aerodynamic aspects of propellers. Furthermore fundamental laws and definitions are implemented like drag, lift, polar diagrams and transonic Mach Effects only to mention some.

Basics, Laws and Definitions

The topic Basics, Laws and Definitions as part of the subject Principles of Flight contains 374 questions. It is part of the EASA ATPL Package (former JAA) package.

Subsonic Aerodynamics

The topic Subsonic Aerodynamics as part of the subject Principles of Flight contains 22 questions. It is part of the EASA ATPL Package (former JAA) package.

Supersonic Aerodynamics

The topic Supersonic Aerodynamics as part of the subject Principles of Flight contains 150 questions. It is part of the EASA ATPL Package (former JAA) package.


The topic Stability as part of the subject Principles of Flight contains 150 questions. It is part of the EASA ATPL Package (former JAA) package.


The topic Control as part of the subject Principles of Flight contains 113 questions. It is part of the EASA ATPL Package (former JAA) package.


The topic Limitations as part of the subject Principles of Flight contains 54 questions. It is part of the EASA ATPL Package (former JAA) package.


The topic Propellers as part of the subject Principles of Flight contains 121 questions. It is part of the EASA ATPL Package (former JAA) package.

Flight Mechanics

The topic Flight Mechanics as part of the subject Principles of Flight contains 105 questions. It is part of the EASA ATPL Package (former JAA) package.


The topic Speeds as part of the subject Principles of Flight contains 49 questions. It is part of the EASA ATPL Package (former JAA) package.

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EASA ATPL Package (former JAA)

This package provides you with an up-to-date questionbank of more than 8.000 ATPL questions according to EASA (former JAA).

final price
USD 21,99
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  • 1174 Questions
  • 18 Categories